July 6, 2015

ABCs of Summer 2...M Day

Holy Moly...give me an early bedtime for the kids, a glass of wine, The Bachelorette, Husband at work, and I'm on a roll with these blogs!

So M is for Mommy and Me?! I have to say...I am so honored to have this husband of mine...he is so involved in helping me plan these days! When Mrs. Amber offered to keep Pierce for the day Husband and I were on the search for special things we could do with Prestyn!

Since Mrs. Amber won't get to love on Pierce every day in the fall she sweetly offered to spend some time with him today. :) So Prestyn and I dropped Pierce off then she went with me to the gym. M is for MOOOOOMMMMMYYYY!!!!! The cry I hear as I drop her off... :(

After the gym we went to Five Below! So fun!! We went so Prestyn could pick out her prize for filling up another row of her chart. She chose a Doc McStuffins game that is like Trouble. So M is for McStuffins. I guess I was more excited about the game though...I played while Prestyn watched and tried to MESS up my pieces...haha..I won! But I guess that's what happens when you play a game by yourself...womp womp womp...Pierce enjoyed watching though! haha!

After picking out the prize we went to the grocery store where Prestyn picked out Macaroni & Cheese for lunch...how fitting and of course one of her favorites! haha! If you're one of those moms who doesn't give their kid Kraft Macaroni & Cheese because it's processed blah blah blah then go blog about that on your own, but don't judge me for what I serve my child. haha! ;)

We also got marshmallows! The plan was to light the fire pit while Prestyn played in the pool, and roast marshmallows for smores. Sweet Dadda went to probably 5 different places over the past 2 days looking for wood for the fire pit! I mean I know it's July, but don't people go camping this time of year, and need wood for that?! IDK, but he finally found some!

Ryan got the pool blown up & filled up with water,and Prestyn could not wait to get in there! It's so cute when she says, "I so cited!!!" heehehe! She also got to play in the water hydrant thing for a little bit. But unfortunately it was too windy to light the fire pit, and roast marshmallows so hopefully we'll do that soon!! I also got little marshmallows to connect to spell Prestyn's name so maybe we'll do that on the N day for Name?!

Our day of fun went by quickly...Prestyn enjoyed a popsicable by the pool before coming in to dry off to go get Pierce. Which she was quite ready for. I wondered if she even remembers what life was like before Pierce?! She wanted to stay at Mrs. Amber's with him...she asked for him when we got home, and she was ready to go get him when it was time!

Their relationship together is precious! I hope and pray it stays that way! They are seriously so sweet together...she loves on him, entertains him, and he just smiles at her!! Oh how I love my sweet babies!!

And oh how I loved my Me time with P today!

ABCs of Summer 2...L Day

So since the Date Days/Nights are trumping Prestyn's days we went on our date, but that didn't stop P from partaking in L day activities! Only because she has one of the best babysitters ever...Kiki & Brookie of course!

Let me just say that our relationship with Prestyn is super important, but our relationship with each other is also important. I want our children to grow up, and see how much we loved each other...and see the things we did to keep our marriage going...date days/nights...so we're open with P about where we're going and what we're doing...I mean to an extent! She was happy to see us off, and even happier that Kiki was there with her!

L is for Love...Kiki LOVES Prestyn and Prestyn LOVES Kiki! They started off swinging which kept Prestyn quite happy! Then when Brookie came over they did the little crafts I had put out for the letter L!

So I got a paper plate, and cut the center circle out. The outside part was used to make a Lion Mask. I cut strips of yellow & orange paper to be glued around the plate as the lion's mane. Kiki and Brookie took it the extra mile, and painted the rim of the plate! Then you glue a popsicle stick to the mask so that you can hold onto that as you pretend to be a lion. Which Prestyn loves since she always ROARS and tries to scare Pierce...Big Sister Bully...juuuuust kiiiiiding...sorta

The inside of the paper plate was used to make a lollipop! You put paint on it then cover it with saran wrap. Then let the child use his/her fingers to move the paint around. Then just add a popsicle stick to the circle and you have a lollipop!

Prestyn has a little trouble saying her L's so it's cute to hear her say wowwipop and wion, but I try to get her to say l, l, l, l, lizard (for example). And she does the l, l, l, l part then says...WIZARD! aaaahhh! We'll get there! Just hoping she won't need speech therapy...if she does that's ok...but I'll try to do what I can to fix those L's until then! ;)

ABCs of Summer...Date Night Edition...J-L

Seriously...planning these has been so fun! It's really changed things up & I like it!! Last month a lot of the focus was on places we took Prestyn. This month it's more about us! I already have M-P planned so when we have the time, sitter, and money we'll do that!

The J-L date was so fun! Again, in short: we went for a Jog on Katy Trail and had Lunch at Ice House on Katy Trail.

I've been working on getting baby weight off and pre-baby weight that I wanted to lose. So I've been running. I run on the treadmill at the Y because I like watching tv while I run and the AC! But to run on Katy Trail was so fun! A change of scenery was nice, and to have my love by my side made it so much easier.

Not gonna lie...this run was tough! Especially since I've been used to running indoors. There were some hills, and the ground is definitely a lot harder than pounding on a treadmill. There were times I wanted to give up, and if Ryan wasn't by my side I would have...I would have stopped and walked...but with him running next to me it was VERY motivational! I'm lucky to have someone who enjoys exercise and motivates me!

What's better after a good long run than a good yummy lunch?! Ice House on Katy Trail is LITERALLY on the trail...so we stopped...had some beverages & yummy/semi-healthy lunch...I mean we did just get done running 3 miles!

Love this man, and love our dates together!!

ABCs of Summer...K Day

So now I realize there may be readers who read for ideas, but there may be some who still read my word for word because you have nothing better to do...haha!

So...in short...K is for: Kiki, Kyoto, Krackle, and Kit Kat...haha!

Here are the deets: This morning Ryan took Prestyn to run several errands including her picking a prize for filling up 2 rows on her chart! (More about this will be coming in a Terrible 2's post). She picked a fun beach ball with a crab inside it and bubbles! 

She was so excited when she got home to blow bubbles! I thought I guess K can be for...Kid being a Kid? I just let her play while I sat outside and watched her. It was so much fun! She jumped on the trampoline, blew bubbles, then played in her water table! She had on a pretty dress to wear on her date with Dadda, but it got very wet from the water table so she had to change! 

So this is a little embarrassing, but Prestyn has been talking about going to the gas station with Kiki to get Kiki's beer and her beef jerky. Kiki has never taken Prestyn to get beer so I don't know where this came from, but we thought it was kind of funny. So Kiki and I took Prestyn to the gas station. No we didn't get beer! We did get beef jerky, but then we looked around for snacks and things that started with the letter K...that was hard! All we found was a Krackle bar and a Kit Kat. 

Once we got home it was time for Prestyn to get ready for her date with Dadda! So let me tell you where this came from...

We got sad news last week that Mrs. Amber (Prestyn's babysitter for the past 2 years) was no longer going to be keeping kids. We had already planned on sending Prestyn to daycare in August, but Mrs. Amber was also going to care for Pierce so it was super sad that she isn't going to be able to be a part of raising him. :( So then we got to talking about possibly Mrs. Amber keeping the Sweet Ps while Dadda and I went on a date. I shared that with Prestyn, and she said, "I want to go on a date with Dadda...." aaawww! Ryan had been talking about taking Prestyn on a date, and since today was K day...and K is for Kyoto...and K day was on a Wednesday...and Kids eat free on Wednesdays it was PERFECT! For those who aren't local...Kyoto is a hibachi steak house so Prestyn got a show and a yummy dinner! Ryan said she was a little afraid, but all she has talked about is the choo-choo train that the chef did...hehe :) 

So there you have it...simplistic & fun! 

My Strong Little Man

When I wrote about Pierce's 2nd month I mentioned how he would be starting physically therapy soon for his neck...I was super concerned, but after talking with a friend of mine I learned how common it is...

Then when I posted about it many people messaged me, commented, etc., to tell me how their child also had tortocollis. I didn't even know what the diagnosis was until the Physical Therapist came for the initial evaluation. I also didn't realize how common this is until I heard from everybody...so thank you! You all put me at ease...but if you don't know much about it here's my little blurb about it...

And again...my blog is a way for me and my family to reflect back on past times so it's also for me to keep up with what has happened in our crazy busy, but joyfully abundant happy lives.

Ok so pretty much every doctor appointment I go to with Pierce...I cry...I titled this my strong little man because he is just that! We've been through a lot (for us) with feeding issues & now his neck...

After MANY MANY MANY phone calls we FINALLY got the PT out to do the initial evaluation. As we were signing paper work, and going over how therapy would go the PT reassured me that Pierce's tilt wasn't "that bad." He said it's about a 10% tilt, and he sometimes sees 20-30% tilts. He said that it's most likely from the way he was positioned in the womb...this part is interesting because now that I look back at pictures of Prestyn from 0-2 months I notice the same kind of tilt...maybe her's wasn't "that bad" either, but the pediatrician wasn't concerned. They go to the same pediatric office, but see different pediatricians.

It was so cute how Pierce just starred at the PT while he measured him and did exercises with him. I showed & told the PT what I had been doing to help. He said that was all really good, and that could be why it wasn't as bad...::insert pat on back:: he then showed me some other exercises to do for Pierce. And these needed to be done with every diaper change. Already with every diaper change we do tummy time as long as Pierce could stand it with the exercises I was already doing so now this routine is just lengthened a little. ::side note:: I pray the caregiver we find for our sweet boy will continue with the exercises while he's under her care...

So now after tummy time and moving Pierce's head side to side I put him on his back. I sing Wheels on the Bus while I do his exercises which makes him smile, and not think about how the stretches may be hurting him...we turn his head both ways, tilt it both ways (like ear to shoulder), and massage his neck. I really feel like he's improving! He really is such a strong little man! We also put a rolled up towel (or fancy roll thing that Nonna made) :) next to Pierce's neck while he's in the swing and/or car seat.

We're getting to the point where we need to move naps to the crib since in the crib he moves his head all sorts of ways all night long! So I know he'll benefit from napping in there during the day, but I haven't been quite ready for that challenge yet...

Anyway...not much to this post, but just to write about where Pierce started, and where he'll be at the end. There was a concern for him needing a helmet since babies with tortocollis can only turn their head one way they develop a flat spot and need a helmet. Not only does the cost of this terrify me, but the fact of my baby boy having to wear something on his head 22 hours a day! :( I am praying that the stretches and exercises cure his tortocollis, and he won't need a helmet...but if he does that's ok...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!

Pierce's 3rd Month

Oh my sweet boy! Sometimes I'm like wow it's already been 3 months?! Other times I'm like geez it's only been 3 months?! Haha! Nonetheless the past 3 months have been a joy!

I feel like we have finally figured our little guy out, and functioning as a family of 4. Pierce is such a happy and smiley baby. You can't tell from these pictures...I guess he got a little camera shy. I usually get the smiley pictures on my phone. My phone that is now in Lake Ray Hubbard so a lot of those pictures are lost. I'm heartbroken, but thanks to social media I can retrieve some pictures. And now I'll be snapping like crazy to get some of my handsome boy on this phone. 

Enough about me...back to the stud! This amazing little boy usually gets his last feeding of the night anywhere between 6-8. Then...get this...he sleeps AT LEAST 8 hours before waking to eat. Sometimes more! It's blissful! Of course I wrote this last night then the little stinker is calling me a liar. He woke after sleeping for 6 hours. But it's still really good. 

Pierce has always loved to be swaddled, but lately he's been busting out of it but still able to sleep. So I guess we're gulf go try weaning from the swaddle. I'll just leave one arm out for a while. This night change when we move naps to his crib. 

He currently takes 3-4 naps a day in the swing. Really it's just easier that way, but I know it can't last forever. Naps are usually about an hour and a half to two hours. Sometimes I have to wake him to feed him either because we need to leave the house, or because I don't want hum napping too long. That could disrupt night time sleep. 

Speaking of going somewhere...this boy loves car rides! He'll either look out the window the entire time, or he'll just close his eyes and go to sleep! 

He also loves big sister, Prestyn. He just smiles and laughs at her. It's so sweet. Until she plays chubby cheeks with him then he gets upset. Maybe he has a complex about his chubby cheeks, but I love them! 

These chubby cheeks are part of the 13.2 lbs that Pierce currently weighs! He's wearing size 2 diapers, and size 3 month clothes. Although because he's now 23 inches long his size 3 month footed pjs are too short so he's wearing size 3-6 month in those. Pretty soon his daytime wear will all be size 3-6 months. Makes me sad how quickly he's growing! 

He eats 5 oz of the Similac Total Comfort formula every 3-4 hours. This kind is much better on his little tummy, and we're not having to give the gas drops as often. We still give them when we can tell he has a bubble stuck. Gripe water still works miracles! Especially when he has the hiccups and can't go to sleep! 

Sometimes all the exciting play gives him hiccups! We have 2 playmats that he likes to play on. And this month he started sitting in the bumbo regularly. The time he can sit in there and play is getting longer! We do lots of singing and dancing too while I clean house! And of course tummy time! Pierce is doing so good at holding his head up whole laying on his tummy. I usually read to him while he's on his tummy. Prestyn likes to be in on this too! She does so good playing with her little brother! 

So after 3 months of a family of 4 I couldn't imagine us any other way. Excited to see what the next month brings us!

June 29, 2015

ABCs of Summer...J Day

J is for jump! Prestyn got a trampoline from Santa, and she's always wanting friends to come over and jump with her. 

Well this day her sweet friend Saylor got to come jump with her! Saylor's mommy and I have been friends for 21 years!!! Crazy, huh?! We don't even have to force this friendship on them. They naturally love each other! 

So after some jump time Saylor was ready to make Jellyfish. Crafts with 2 year olds doesn't always go as planned. Haha. Maybe that part was more for the moms. About 5 minutes into it they were done, and ready to watch a movie...and eat Cheetos! Lol. These 2 are so cute!! 

So even though the jelly fish crafts didn't get find they still had a lot of fun together. 

After they were over the movie they played for a while in Prestyn's kitchen. Then we pretty much had to force them to eat lunch. Jelly and peanut butter sandwiches of course! With a side of jello! 

It's taken me 2 days to write this post because I didn't feel so joyful about this day. At this point Prestyn had pooped in her diaper. Then threw a big ol' fit because she didn't want get diaper changed. In the fight of changing her diaper she got in her bed to tee tee. And joyfully shared this with me! 

It was a tough afternoon but after a nap she was much better! 

ABCs of Summer...Date Night Edition...G-I

This is fun. It really makes you think out of the box and get creative with your dates! We discussed many things we could've done for the letter G, but this is what we decided on: 

Appetizers and beverages at Gloria's at the Harbor then to see Jurassic Park. I thought afterwards we could get Ice cream at Coldstone at the Harbor or make Ice cream at home! Today is Prestyn's J day so we went ahead and included that in our date plan...until...

The neighbor came over, and asked us if we wanted to go on their boat! Um yeah!! If you know my husband well you know how happy the lake and being on a boat makes him! I made sure our babysitter could sit during the day instead of night then we were in!! 

So G...after being on the boat a couple hours we docked at the Harbor, walked up to Gloria's, and had dinner! 

H is easy...we were at the Harbor! 

I...well...I thought I could still stand for making Ice Cream when we got home, or we could share all the quarky things I love about you...instead I stands for iPhone...lost...in the lake. 😢 we had a great date day and night! It stinks that ended on such a bad note with me dropping my phone in the lake. 

Accidents happen! Hopefully the next date day/night will be happy from beginning to end! 

June 26, 2015

ABCs of Summer 2...I Day

Because not every day has to be going somewhere we had fun Indoors today! 

A little side note:: I'm about 10 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight. 20 lbs away from where I was when I lost weight after Prestyn. And 30 lbs away from a goal weight! Soooo our morning was spent at the gym. I get my workout in indoors! But Prestyn wanted to play outdoors. Ha. 

We had some good relaxing time at home after the gym. I had some letter I crafts planned as well as making homemade ice cream. Prestyn had so much fun with this first craft that we didn't get to anything else! 

So I'm calling this Ice Cream Paint. Except next time I'll do it a little different. So here's what we did: 

On a paper plate I sprayed some shaving cream. Then squeezed glue on it. Prestyn used a Popsicle stick to mix it up. She said she wanted her "ice cream" to be pink so then I added pink acrylic paint and stirred that in. 

On a large sheet of paper I drew an ice cream cone. I then told her to paint the scoops of ice cream on the cone. She went a little crazy, but who am I to micromanage?! I let her have fun with it! This is definitely something we'll do again. I got this off Pinterest but I think next time...

I'll just spray whipped cream on a plate and add food coloring then let her paint with that. Until she's old enough to understand not to eat the ice cream paint. 😜 we'll also do it outside next time. It made quite the mess but it wSnt too bad cleaning up! 😊

June 25, 2015

ABCs of Summer 2...H Day

Whodathunk it that our H day last year was exactly 1 year ago today. Thanks to Time Hop I was able to compare pictures of Prestyn at the same place!

Although...in last year's picture she was picking blackberries. In this year's picture she is eating ice cream. Beeeecaaause...we didn't get to pick blueberries this year. :( again, I was so sad, and began to think this day would be another flop! 

We made the best of it though! Ryan and I both checked their website, and it said we'd be able to pick until end of June. Apparently they've been so busy that everybody picked all the blackberries so there weren't any left. 

So we picked up our bag of peaches, and got our ice cream. I had to get the peach ice cream. Prestyn said she wanted pink so we got her strawberry! Aaaand she wanted hers in a cup to eat it with a spoon. I prefer a cone but to each is own. And what my baby wants my baby gets. 

When we drove up to Ham's Orchard we saw signs got a petting zoo. Since we couldn't pick blackberries we thought we'd check the petting zoo out. And boy am I glad we did! 

The oldest daughter of the Ham family started the petting zoo this summer. It's only $4 to get in (2 and under are free), and I think it's the best petting zoo I've been to! 

There were no barriers! We got right in there with the animals! There were chickens, ducks, bunnies, baby pigs, goats, sheep, and a llama. Prestyn said the bunnies were her favorite. Probably because she got to hold one. The baby pigs were my favorite. Probably because I got to hold one. 😜 

The pictures speak for themselves. I'm so glad we went! 

H is also for Hot and Humid! Last minute I decided to look for a sitter for Pierce. Ryan's cousin, Alex, was being a creeper, and saw I needed a sitter. I'm glad she was creepin though because she came, and kept Pierce while we went! 

And since it was so hot it was the perfect day for Dadda to blow up our little pool in the backyard! The afternoon ended great with Prestyn and I in the pool. Then her friend Bo came over with his mommy. Prestyn has been asking about him since our letter B day! Glad they finally got to play! 

June 23, 2015

ABCs of Summer 2...G Day

G is for Good Effort? G day didn't quite go as I planned...I had it circled on the calendar since I still needed to plan something. Then Kiki snap chatted a picture of a Gloria's meal that looked delish so then I had a plan!

G is for Gloria's. A treat for Mommy, Dadda, and the 2 sweet Ps! Dadda got his margarita. Mommy got her enchiladas (which I always order when we go out since Ryan doesn't like them so I never get to cook them), Pierce got to go on our adventure, and Prestyn got to play at the Harbor Splash Pad...or so I thought. 

So after we ate I changed P into herbs thing suit, lathered on the sunscreen then went out to the splash pad. We waited, and we waited, and we waited. Ryan read that it comes on twice an hour every day. So we waited for 30 minutes, and it never came on. :( I was so sad for Prestyn! We did walk around the Harbor which was nice, and took P to see the lighthouse. Pierce just slept the whole time. He was tired from all the smiling he did at Gloria's. :) 

Once we got home I was hoping we could go play with Prestyn's friend Grey, but Dadda took a nap so Prestyn and I did G day activities at home! 

I put hair gel in a gallon sized Baggie then taped it to her placemat with her name on a piece of cardstock underneath. She liked feeling the gel through the Baggie as she traces the letters of her name. 

Then our plan was to make a goat out of her handprint. We started by glueing Popsicle sticks on the cardstock to make a fence. Next was to paint Prestyn's hand to make the goat, but Pierce had another plan. He was DONE napping and ready to take a bath! And because Prestyn missed her nap she went ahead and had her dinner and bath too so she could get to bed early! 

Even though the day didn't turn out the way we planned it was still a good day. I'm certainly enjoying these summer days with my family.