Every month after I post Prestyn's monthly milestones I forget to mention what she's received in her P-Packs! P-Packs are something my BFF, Prestyn's Aunt Kari, started for her Month 1! She is the one responsible for making Prestyn's monthly applique onesies! They are nicely made, and perfect for our monthly photo shoots! P-Packs included much more than the monthly onesies! My BFF has been a mom for 3 years so she knows better than I do on "must-haves" for a baby! She was sure to include these things for Prestyn and me! I'm so thankful for her, and her creativity! So here are the P-Packs...I hope I have a picture of every one, and for all you new moms...you need these items!!
Spiffies: Perfect for when baby starts eating solid food, but doesn't have teeth to brush! Prestyn loves these!
Children's Place Zipper PJ's: We still love these! |
Monogrammed Bibs, toe nail polish! P later got Piggy Paint which is non toxic since she puts her piggies in her mouth. :) |
4 months was right around the 4th of July. P got a red bow with a P on it, red and blue heart sunglasses, and we got matching Mommy and Me tanks! |
Sunglasses: Goggles as Dylan calls them.
Vanilla Scented Soothie pacis: Prestyn STILL takes a wubbanub paci when she sleeps. If we ever lose her duck we have these babies for back up!
Canvas bag: Holds all of P's sunglasses, and hangs cutely in her room. :)
5 months was when I went back to work... :( Life got really busy and crazy! I can't find a picture of the 5 month P-Pack. :( I do remember though that P got a matching bow with her monogram on it of course. :)
Y'all! Those knee pads were the bomb diggity! We put them on Prestyn ALL the time! The other thing is awesome too. It links toys to the high chair, car seat, etc. Love it!! |
Matching Mommy & Me tees & Piggy |
6 Months! Piggy Paint and a monogrammed hat! :)
Well I guess I didn't get a 7 month picture either. :( In that P pack was the pumpkin onesie I ordered, and Prestyn's trick or treating bucket. :) And I'm sure some monogrammed bibs!
And I didn't take a 9 month P-Pack picture. That was right around Christmas time so Prestyn's P-Pack was included with her Christmas gift from Dylan. We were so busy opening presents and having fun we didn't get a P-Pack picture! She got blocks, magnetic letters, and furry boots! Dylan loved the furry boots! So much so that he took them back with him to Lubbock. :) Here they are in the 10 month P-Pack!
And I don't have an 11 month or 12 month picture, but we are just as thankful for those!! Prestyn got monogrammed bloomers that she wore at her birthday party. She also got a super cute romper that is still too big, but she'll wear it soon! :)
Thank you Aunt Kari!! We love you!!
P.S. Sorry these are all out of order! :(
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