Hopefully you all know our "How We Met" Story...if not, I'll be happy to tell you!
It is thanks to Aunt Laura and Uncle Trevor. Ethan and Syndey are their children. So they are my 1st cousins. They are so young that they feel more like a niece and nephew to me and Ryan. They just adore Ryan, and visiting him at the fire station.
We had the same Spring Break as the kids, Aunt Laura asked if we would like to entertain them for a couple days and we said sure! It was definitely an interesting dynamic for Ryan and I to see how we would handle 2 children...together!
Aunt Laura brought the kids to the fire station on Friday morning (in March) when Ryan was getting off work. They made their way to our house (an hour away) in PJ's and needing breakfast. :) So we gave them some breakfast then got them dressed for our big day!

There's a park just right down the street from our house BUT we decided to walk to the front of the neighborhood so we could go to the bigger park and feed the ducks! Ryan and I make this walk often so we didn't think it was too long, but for kids with little legs it was pretty long. Puppy made it though!
Once we got there Puppy wanted to swing! Ethan was ALL over the playground! He had so much fun with all of it...especially having Ryan carry him across the monkey bars! Sydney really liked the twisty slidy thing once I showed her how to do it. ;) She also liked pushing Puppy in the swing. He's so funny! He LOVES it! All 4 of us got on the swings...it's amazing to me how high kids can go! I remember doing that when I was kid, but now...IT GIVES ME BUTTERFLIES! Ryan thought I was being a baby, but then he got butterflies too when he got really high! haha!
It was a cool, cloudy morning so the ducks that are usually in the pond were out walking around! We were able to feed them. Ryder scared them a little, but then he just wanted to eat the bread the kids were throwing down for the ducks. We then made the long walk back to the house. ;) We were all tired and hungry! It was fun to make lunch for everybody, and make deals with the kids on how much they ate. :) I think Ryan and I both did pretty good with that one!

I was ready for a nap so Ryan put a movie in for the kids, and I fell asleep while I pretended to watch! Ry and I needed to run some errands so while we were out we made up for missing out on ice cream on our Date Night, and took the kids to Coldstone Creamery. It was a nice day to sit at the Harbor water fountain and enjoy our ice cream. :)
When we got back to the house the kids helped me stuff Easter eggs for church in between them playing with sidewalk chalk on our back porch. It was so fun having 2 little kids at our house! I wish we had more for them to do outside...one day!

Believe it or not...it was now time to eat again! I thought it would be fun to have the kids make their own pizzas. I got all the ingredients, layed 'em out, put an apron on Syd and away we went! It was fun...and good! Next was time for bath and bed! Ryan and I were exhausted...
This blog is getting pretty lengthy so I'll post a new one about the next day with the kiddos!
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