Christmas cards being one of those things...I just ordered, and put our blog site on the cards so I figured I better update!
One of mine and Ryan's New Year's Resolution was to take a break from Social Media. So I will continue taking pictures and posting on the blog as often as I can. :)
I used to do the yearly newsletters, but 1. it was time consuming and 2. it was costly. So with Christmas cards this year I combined with notes about our year. But goodness gracious I love to talk about my family and me. Maybe it's because I love my family!
I could go on and on about how amazing they are. Sure we have our ups and downs, but we have Christ as the center of our souls, lives, days, house, and family so we get through it by his grace and our faith.
It's late and I should go to bed, but I'm taking medication for a sinus infection that's keeping me awake! I really should try to sign off and go to bed! Night all!