When I wrote about Pierce's 2nd month I mentioned how he would be starting physically therapy soon for his neck...I was super concerned, but after talking with a friend of mine I learned how common it is...
Then when I posted about it many people messaged me, commented, etc., to tell me how their child also had tortocollis. I didn't even know what the diagnosis was until the Physical Therapist came for the initial evaluation. I also didn't realize how common this is until I heard from everybody...so thank you! You all put me at ease...but if you don't know much about it here's my little blurb about it...
And again...my blog is a way for me and my family to reflect back on past times so it's also for me to keep up with what has happened in our crazy busy, but joyfully abundant happy lives.
Ok so pretty much every doctor appointment I go to with Pierce...I cry...I titled this my strong little man because he is just that! We've been through a lot (for us) with feeding issues & now his neck...
After MANY MANY MANY phone calls we FINALLY got the PT out to do the initial evaluation. As we were signing paper work, and going over how therapy would go the PT reassured me that Pierce's tilt wasn't "that bad." He said it's about a 10% tilt, and he sometimes sees 20-30% tilts. He said that it's most likely from the way he was positioned in the womb...this part is interesting because now that I look back at pictures of Prestyn from 0-2 months I notice the same kind of tilt...maybe her's wasn't "that bad" either, but the pediatrician wasn't concerned. They go to the same pediatric office, but see different pediatricians.
It was so cute how Pierce just starred at the PT while he measured him and did exercises with him. I showed & told the PT what I had been doing to help. He said that was all really good, and that could be why it wasn't as bad...::insert pat on back:: he then showed me some other exercises to do for Pierce. And these needed to be done with every diaper change. Already with every diaper change we do tummy time as long as Pierce could stand it with the exercises I was already doing so now this routine is just lengthened a little. ::side note:: I pray the caregiver we find for our sweet boy will continue with the exercises while he's under her care...
So now after tummy time and moving Pierce's head side to side I put him on his back. I sing Wheels on the Bus while I do his exercises which makes him smile, and not think about how the stretches may be hurting him...we turn his head both ways, tilt it both ways (like ear to shoulder), and massage his neck. I really feel like he's improving! He really is such a strong little man! We also put a rolled up towel (or fancy roll thing that Nonna made) :) next to Pierce's neck while he's in the swing and/or car seat.
We're getting to the point where we need to move naps to the crib since in the crib he moves his head all sorts of ways all night long! So I know he'll benefit from napping in there during the day, but I haven't been quite ready for that challenge yet...
Anyway...not much to this post, but just to write about where Pierce started, and where he'll be at the end. There was a concern for him needing a helmet since babies with tortocollis can only turn their head one way they develop a flat spot and need a helmet. Not only does the cost of this terrify me, but the fact of my baby boy having to wear something on his head 22 hours a day! :( I am praying that the stretches and exercises cure his tortocollis, and he won't need a helmet...but if he does that's ok...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!